Our Hours
Summer: 7:00AM-5:00PM
Winter: 7:00AM-4:30PM
Saturdays: 7:00AM-12:00PM

Hobdy and Read was founded in 1907 by Arthur Hobdy and William A. Read. The business started in a small building near the L & N Railroad on East Main Street in Scottsville, Kentucky. A few years later they constructed a new building on East Main Street now occupied by the Dollar General Corporation. Coal, ice, salt, sand and bricks were among the first products sold. Chickens, eggs, ginseng, scrap iron and wool were bought or received in trade.
Hobdy and Read became a Ford franchise dealer in 1914. They sold cars, tractors, and farm implements with the Ford emblem. Cars were shipped by train in crates to be assembled upon arrival. The parts department was said to have been a grass sack of parts stored with the chickens. In 1915, Mr. Hobdy built the structure located at the corner of South 1st and East Main Streets. The business operated at this location for 65 years. Roy Dye purchased a part interest in the business in 1925 and Hobdy, Dye & Read became the new name. in 1916 they became a Standard Oil dealer and during the 1920's they sold Maytag washing machines. The upstairs of the building was rented as office space, and for many years the Red Cross was located there.
Mr. Hobdy died in 1936 and Mr. Read died in 1938. Their widows retained their interest in the business until their deaths in 1958. Mr. Dye passed away in 1972.